Sustainable Development Goals

The Fund and its portfolio companies share a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations (hereinafter, the UN SDGs), the principles of the UN Global Compact, the Principles of Responsible Investment of the United Nations, and the Equator Principles.

We ensure an alignment of strategy, goals, and tasks with the general goals in sustainable development, including but not limited to the objectives reflected in the UN SDGs, the Paris Agreement on climate, and relevant national and regional goals. Sustainable development activities are incorporated into the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Development Strategy (Development Plan) of the Fund.

Sustainable Development Goals

Key initiatives SDGs Goal Target indicator The achieved figure in 2023
Corporate governance

ESG-rating of the Fund Group

Increasing the proportion of women in the management of the Fund’s companies

The share of independent directors in the Board of Directors of the Fund and portfolio companies

70 percentile  by 2032

30% by 2030

Maintaining  at 50%

The weighted average ESG rating is 57 percentile

The weighted average share of women in the Board of Directors in portfolio companies is 13% and 17% in the Management Board (14% and 15% in 2022)

In the portfolio company Samruk-Kazyna Business Service LLP, the Supervisory Board comprises 67% women.

The Board of Directors of the Fund consists of 3 independent directors 43% (43% in 2022)

H&S Best Practices

Achieving LTIF 0,12


LTIF equals 0,14 (0,16 in 2022)11

Human capital development

Building human resources, strengthening competence in new areas

The average number of hours of training per 1 employee is 23 academic hours (19 hours in 2022).

232,081 employees were trained within the framework of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of occupational safety, industrial and fire safety.

59,176 employees were trained in courses outside the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Resource saving

Reducing the energy intensity of production activities

-10% by 2027

Cumulative energy savings - 6% compared to 2021 energy consumption 12 (energy consumption reduction as a result of reduction initiatives - 11,497 thousand GJ in 2023)

Openness, transparency and compliance

Certification of anti-corruption compliance systems for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 37001:2016 «Anti-bribery management systems» and ISO 37301:2021 «Compliance Management System.»

The Strategy for developing the compliance function until 2027 has been approved.

Social responsibility

The introduction of corporate values and the implementation of measures to develop corporate culture

Increasing the salaries of employees in low-paid professions and positions

In 2023–2027

In 2023–2027

The HR forum «Bolashagymyz – birlikte!» was held with the main theme of human capital development.

Between 2% and 33% wage increases for about 243,000 employees, with an emphasis on lower-paid positions.


Reducing direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2)

Increasing the share of low-carbon generation in electricity purchases

≥ [-10%] by 2032

45% by 2032

Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 14% compared to 2021.

The share of low-carbon generation in electricity purchases remained at the 2022 level – less than 1%.

«Green» financing

Formation of a portfolio of offset projects

The share of renewable energy and hydroelectric power plants in electricity production

5,8 million tons СО2-eq by 2032

26 % by 2032

307 thousand tons CO2-eq

15% (14.5% in 2022)13

11 LTIFR in 2023 is 0.26.

12Progress on energy saving is tracked by 2021, the latest reporting year at the time of adoption of the Low Carbon Development Concept of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

13 Restated for changes in reporting boundaries for Companies with HPPs.

The UN Global Compact

In our activities, we focus on the principles of the UN Global Compact—one of the world's main initiatives aimed at aligning companies' strategies with ten universal principles in human rights, labor relations, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption.

Fund Group companies that have joined the UN Global Compact

Principles of the UN Global Compact

Principle Report Section
Human rights
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Section “Creating equal opportunities”
make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. Section “Creating equal opportunities”
Labour relations
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Section “Social and Labor Relations”
the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Section “Principles of Sustainable Development”
the effective abolition of child labour; and Section “Principles of Sustainable Development”
the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation Section “Creating equal opportunities”
Environmental protection
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Section “Environment”
undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Section “Environment”
encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies Section “Initiatives to reduce climate impacts”
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery Section “Compliance and handling of inquiries”