Feedback form

Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire for the 2023 Sustainability Report. We appreciate your feedback, as it helps us to manage our activities more effectively and improve results.
Which of the following interests you the most? (multiple choice)
Evaluate, in order of priority from 1 to 5, the following areas in which the company has developed significant initiatives and activities, in your opinion: (please select five)
Please choose how much you agree with the following (1 — Strongly disagree, 2 — Not agree, 3 — I find it difficult to answer, 4 — Agree, 5 — Strongly agree):
Principles and problems are sufficiently disclosed in line with the Development Strategy of the Fund.
The content is complete and clear.
The structure of the report is functional and complete.
The information provided is reliable and accurate.
Tables and graphs are clear to understand and are depicted qualitatively.
Images and drawings enhance the report, making it readable and more interesting.
The print version corresponds to the publication on sustainable development.
I prefer the electronic version of the report.
I will recommend the report to others.
Which of these stakeholder groups do you belong to? (one option)
How did reading the 2023 Sustainability Report affect your opinion about the Fund? (one option)