Water resources management

We recognize the importance of responsible management and conservation of water resources and strive to minimize water risks and impacts.

According to the World Resources Institute’s forecast, Kazakhstan is among the countries with medium to high levels of water scarcity (20-40%), and by 2040 will be among the countries with extremely high or high levels of water scarcity. We are implementing measures to improve water use efficiency and reduce water consumption. We partner and collaborate with stakeholders to collectively address water-related challenges, including portfolio companies, local communities, and government agencies.

Water withdrawal

The most significant impact of our activities is on water bodies in the western region of Kazakhstan, such as the Ural River, Kigach River, Kokzhide Sands, Pyatimar Reservoir, as well as the Sharyn River and Bestyubinsk Reservoir (Moynak Hydropower Plant), Syrdarya River and Shardara Reservoir, K. Satpayev Canal, Shiderta Canal (Big Almaty Lake and the basin of the Big Almatinka River — Cascade of Hydroelectric Power Plants), Kapshagai reservoir (Kapshagai hydroelectric power plant), as well as Shu-Sarysus basin. These objects are of special ecological, economic, historical, cultural and recreational value. GRI 303-1

We consider water withdrawal in regions with increased water deficit, according to the water stress indicator WRI Aqueduct41 these include the basins of the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, Lake Balkhash, Syr Darya and Ural rivers. The volume of water withdrawal in deficit regions is 29.7 thousand Ml, which is less than 1% of the total volume. In the areas with water deficits, the volume of freshwater withdrawal is 44% of the total water withdrawals. GRI 303-3

41 According to WRI Aqueduct: High category — total water load 40-80 %, extremely high category >80 %.

Water consumption

The most significant consumer of water resources among the sectors in the Fund’s technological processes is the power and heat generation sector — 64% of the total water consumption of the Fund.

Water balance of the Fund, thousand Ml (million m³)

Water discharge

The total volume of discharges amounted to 63,682 thousand Ml. Over than 99% of HPP water discharges into surface water bodies during power generation. For pressure maintenance 133 thousand Ml is discharged into formations, 73 thousand Ml is used for ash and slag waste disposal to ash dumps by the heat and power generation sector. GRI 303-4

Portfolio companies regularly carry out laboratory measurements of wastewater quality. Environmental legislation is established, and environmental standards for water quality are set during impact assessments. GRI 303-2

Water balance of the Fund, thousand Ml (million m³)

Name of indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawal volume, including: 68,870.7 64,077.6 63,762.2 63,923.7
Needs of the Fund’s manufacturing companies:42 297.8 315.9 316.1 331.3
Surface water 185.1 202.5 200.9 219.3
Groundwater 49.0 45.9 40.9 40.1
Municipal water supply systems 41.1 45.8 50.6 52.6
Third-party water 0.9 1.0 2.6 2.8
Other water supply systems 21.7 20.7 21.1 16.5
Water intake for powering hydroelectric generators of HPPs: 68,447.9 63,630.6 63,309.6 63,455.5
Surface water 68,447.9 63,630.6 63,309.6 63,455.5
Extracted produced water 125.0 131.1 136.5 137.0
Total volume of discharged water, including: 68,661.4 63,859.4 63,541.2 63,682.9
From the Fund’s production companies by types of destination:43 125.0 131.1 136.5 137.0
Surface water 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.7
Into artificial surface facilities (filtration fields, storage pond, evaporation pond, etc.) 17.7 19.7 18.1 16.5
Transferred to third parties for treatment 3.5 3.6 2.3 3.2
Other (ash dump) 67.5 74.9 74.7 73.3
Discharge from the HPP 68,447.8 63,630.5 63,309.5 63,455.4
Surface water 68,447.8 63,630.5 63,309.5 63,455.4
Discharge (injection) of produced water 123.8 129.7 135.2 132.9
Total water use, including: 68,870.7 64,077.6 63,762.2 63,923.7
For production needs44 149.0 156.1 146.8 167.0
For household and drinking water needs 11.4 11.2 11.5 10.7
Transferred without use to third parties 131.3 143.8 148.0 145.7
To power hydroelectric generators of HPPs 68,447.9 63,630.6 63,309.6 63,455.5
Reservoir pressure maintenance 125.0 131.1 136.5 137.0
other 6.1 4.8 9.9 7.9

The portfolio companies have installed meters and automated water metering systems to record water intake and discharge. Before discharging into artificial water bodies, wastewater undergoes mandatory treatment and laboratory control according to quality standards45. Wastewater treatment is performed by physical-chemical, mechanical and biological methods. Every quarter we control the quality of wastewater treatment and only by accredited laboratories, i.e. the indicators of which can be trusted.

42 Excluding water withdrawal from hydroelectric power stations.

43 Excluding water discharge from HPPs.

44 Excluding HPPs.

45 The norms of pollutant discharge are calculated according to the «Methodology for determining the norms of emissions into the environment» approved by the Order of the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 10, 2021, No. 63. GRI 303-4